Teeth cleaning

Is Sparkling Water Bad for Your Teeth?

You can’t visit your local grocery store without seeing at least three different brands of sparkling water on the shelves. Brands like Bubly and LaCroix are all the rage and continue to rise in popularity because they are a healthier alternative to sugary sodas. Because they’re carbonated, however, you may find yourself wondering if sparkling water is bad for your teeth.We’ve seen a few conflicting reports on carbonated drinks: Some reports that have been issued that link flavored carbonated water to enamel issues. The U.S. National Library of Medicine released a study in 2017 that stated, “Carbonated water has negative effects on etched or sealed enamel, resulting in decreased micro-hardness and removal of the adhesive material."

What do dentists say? 

Generally, it’s fine to drink carbonated waters. Any drink with carbonation has a higher acidic level, but unlike traditional sodas, sparkling water is generally fine for your teeth, according to the American Dental Association. Research was done to determine if sparkling water attacked and affected teeth more than regular water. The results stated that both forms of water had about the same effect on teeth.Sparkling water is far better for your teeth than any soda like Dr. Pepper or Coca-Cola. With that being said, keep in mind that citrus flavors of sparkling water will have higher acidic levels. Therefore, you may want to drink those in one sitting versus sipping them throughout the entire day.Can you guess which beverage is the best for your pearly whites? You probably guessed it, fluoridated water. It’s also called “nature’s cavity fighter” and is added to most community water systems. Drinking water has a number of benefits including: keeping your mouth clean and helping to fight dry mouth. It’s also calorie free!

Tips for your daily hydration plan:
  • Be mindful of the ingredients when choosing a sparkling water. If the brand you’re looking at has any added sugar, it’s no longer a true sparkling water and can contribute to cavities.
  • Drink your carbonated beverage all at once, as opposed to throughout the day, particularly if it has citrus.
  • As with all things, moderation is key. Make sure you’re drinking plain H20 too. 

Speaking of cavities, when is the last time you’ve been in to see us for a checkup? Call our office today to schedule your appointment (804) 794-4588.

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